
Uh, sure.


Ep. 234 is live!

Hello once more, all. As we enter the back half of August, I think a little housekeeping is in order. Summer is in its final days, and at the time of writing this…a very busy weekend has culminated in Hoovmanor finally having some normalcy restored. Shawna’s summer camp has come to an end, little Henry has officially started kindergarten, and today we took Linda (Shawna’s mom) home. Meanwhile, the boys and I are still enjoying a little break from getting behind the mic for Yesterdaze. If you can believe it, we’ve had everything recorded for the show up to the third week of September since 7/29, and Dustin has everything edited and ready to go up to the first episode of September! I wanted to schedule a summer break for us, and damn if I didn’t deliver. But, that doesn’t mean we aren’t still hard at work behind the scenes. And we’ve really got some great episodes to close out the summer, and kick off fall, SUCH AS TODAY’S episode! I always enjoy the topics that really put Jason in the position of “I’m a 40 something man discussing this?” because hilarity typically ensues. Subjecting the guys to Popples was quite a blast, and I do think we were all genuinely surprised by some of the things we learned about the line. First of all, I had completely forgotten about the cartoon series, which means I most certainly was totally unaware of a live action pilot. A pilot, I might add, that had Shelley Duvall as an executive producer! Little shocked that wasn’t on Jason’s radar, actually. It was fascinating to learn that the creation of the toy stems from folding clothes, and rolling socks together. I guess you just never know when, where, or how inspiration will strike. Also, we really get a window into Jason’s fascination with marsupial reproductive organs in this episode, so buckle up. We hope your summer is going well, and that you’re enjoying these final days of this sizzlin’ season. Frankly, I’m ready for fall. In the meantime, have fun with Popples, LAUGH WITH US WON’T YOU? Tune in next week when we discuss a He-Man precursor, Blackstar! For now, thanks…and enjoy! -Derek




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