Controversial and Banned Toys of the ‘80s and ‘90s

When you need a Bag O’ Glass.


Ep. 011 is live!

Recently, I was privileged enough to win what is essentially an artisan toy from Fantazm Toys. They're an independent toy company with a passion for Ghostbusters and have put out some very nice pieces that fill in the gaps in nearly any enthusiast's collection. Their figures can honestly be considered works of art. In the world of toys, however, not everything sticks the landing. Some toys leave us scratching our heads, very confused at how they got made. We may even ask ourselves how on Earth this managed to not only make it past the approval stage, but also how in the actual hell this continued to execution, distribution, and into our little hands. This week...we dive into Controversial and Banned Toys of the ‘80s and '90s.

This week's episode is our first Patron Pick and was suggested to us by our old pal Mike aka Patron Mike. Personally, I enjoyed this episode so much that it sort of has me wanting to do a similar episode again down the road. I think what made it so fun is that it broke from the show's usual format, and allowed Jason, Dustin, and myself to be a little more lax and free-form with our discussion points. Plus, it was kind of fun to just recall this very bizarre, inappropriate, or even dangerous toy of years gone by. I don't necessarily want to list them all here, as I want folks to be surprised when they listen to this week's episode. Additionally, some of the properties discussed just might make their way into a month's schedule. That said, what I would be interested in is feedback as to what you, our listeners and readers, recall as being truly bizarre toys that made it to market. I will be posing this question on socials, and encourage folks to weigh in with their feedback, and hopefully even pictures of these oddities. In the meantime, I will spoil our number one slot, as damn if that doesn't always seem to make it to most toy enthusiast's number one spot: That sweet sweet...Pistol Pecker Punisher!

Gun penis.

Special thanks again to Mike for his episode pick, and to all our patrons. There are some great picks in the pipeline. Additional thanks to Mr. Dan Lason, The Godfather, for nudging us into our research by recommending his older video The Top Ten Most "WTF" Action Figures; there may be some overlap, but we do dive into some of the more deadlier and "oh, holy shit..." toys. That does wrap it up for us this week. Have a good one, and as always...thanks and enjoy!


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