Denver the Last Dinosaur

Shoulda stayed extinct, no?


Ep. 012 is live!

Oh, Denver the Last Dinosaur...what's to be said of you that hasn't already been said. Here at Yesterdaze, we are committed to creating quality content covering anything and everything from the grand buffet that is the ‘80s and ‘90s. As stated from the outset of the show, in Episode 1: The History of MASK, there is no property too great or too small for us to cover, and I still have enthusiasm for Beverly Hills Teens. That dedication extends to properties that maybe aren't remembered so fondly by yours truly. I did not care for this show, and its coverage was indeed a labor of love, and done with a spirit of thanks. I love Shawna very much. She loves me in spite of myself. And she is a great mom to our son Henry. The least I can do is cover a topic she absolutely adores. Denver isn't horrid, mind you. The cast was great, the art wasn't bad, and the opening theme was a banger. Like I said in this episode, to me this just felt dopey as a kid, the concept was a bridge too far, and it just wasn't in my wheelhouse. Never wanting to be one to yuck another's yum, if you dug Denver then please share that with us! To me, it would be a real treat to share some of your stories of enjoying this show with my beloved. As far as merchandising is concerned, I think the right calls were made here; this isn't a series that needed an action figure line. Sticking to the plan of just licensing the character for various products, as well as producing a Denver plush, were definitely sound decisions. Still, maybe it would have been nice to see a hand puppet done in the same fashion as Pizza Hut's Land Before Time hand puppets. Perhaps a 5-7 inch scale Denver with limited pose-ability, and five to seven points of articulation, may have sold well. As of right now, we'll never know. In the meantime though, I'd say be thankful (eh? eh?! ugh...) for what product we did receive. After all, MOTU didn't wind up with a Uruguayan ceramic lamp, now did they?!

On that note, I hope you enjoy this episode and all the magic Dustin spread throughout, including Henry's podcast debut. A special shout out and thanks to Matt aka Quiup in the GDL Discord for helping Ben and me out by testing a different media player for us and the website. While it may not give you control over the playback speed, you are gaining a download feature, and it's proven to be much more user-friendly. I hope all of you have a great holiday week, safe travels, and a wonderful Thanksgiving with loved ones if you celebrate. That does, of course, wrap everything up for Yesterdaze this week, but we'll see you next Monday!

Thanks, and enjoy!


The Adventures of Pete & Pete (with David Martel)


Controversial and Banned Toys of the ‘80s and ‘90s