

Ep. 238 is live!

Middle of September already!!! Look, I know I seem to start a lot of these little write ups with “ERMAHGERD ITS THIS DATE ALREADY” sort of bullshit, but honestly I can’t believe it. I like to call this the calm before the storm. Shawna’s camp? Over and done with, but she has started her classes up again. Henry? Easy-peezie lemon-squeezie, we’ve got him back on a nice routine and schedule. Me? These are the dying days of summer, the early intro to fall…The crisp weeks of calmness that do nothing more than lure me into a false sense of security before peak hits. I don’t even really want to get into it, I’ll save that frustration for November. But here we are!! Gathered once more to talk of another treasured IP of yesteryear, and today we are discussing a favorite, one I always wanted but never had, one I am SERIOUSLY tempted to get as they are STILL BEING MADE! Chosen not just for its cool aesthetic and interesting backstory, but also for its ability to appease Jason, I am talking about the KING of the gross out 80’s IPs, BOGLINS! These suckers were RAD, completely and totally rad. I defy anyone to say any different. A puppet-like toy, it's no surprise that it was also created and developed by the same man behind Sectaurs, Tim Clarke. What was even more interesting to learn was how Boglins very nearly slid into the Sectaurs property as new villains for Prince Dargon to face…had the line not been cut due to the cost of the toy line, coupled with the failure of Coleco’s Adam Computer. Thankfully, the line found its home at Mattel, and boy oh boy were we treated to some of the coolest play gimmick features ever. Moving eyes, glow in the DARK eyes, so much character in the face. Amazing, just amazing.

Now, what I found interesting was Boglins longevity. While researching, I knew a successful kickstarter campaign had gotten off the ground a few years back. What I didn’t know is that you can still get these babies! is your one stop shop, and they look great. Though the price point seems a bit up there, you have to consider the engineering that goes into these, this is more of a boutique style toy shopping experience, and inflation is a bitch. All in all, I think the pricing is fairly reasonable. Besides, just look at the effort put into this new generation of Boglins.

(All images found at That is going to wrap things up this week for Yesterdaze, but come back next week as we discuss one of the absolute pinnacles in action adventure television for many of us…Knight Rider! That said, we will of course see you next monday, and as always Thanks! And enjoy! -Derek


PJ Sparkles