PJ Sparkles


Ep. 237 is live!

Oh my goodness, do we have a treat for you ALL! This week we are joined by a very special guest, a get we’ve been trying to got since the beginning of The Importance of Seeing Ernest. My darling better half Shawna joins us as we discuss her favorite toy, PJ Sparkles. Really, this toy is perfect for her. It centers around PJ, an orphan who just wants someone to love and to be loved back. Shawna sometimes has a tough exterior, but deep down there’s a very tender and soft person who really just wants to be your friend. PJ is really your standard fair as far as dolls are concerned; all the typical play patterns and such. The light up feature, and her lore, is where she stands out. Shawna and I both found it VERY odd that PJ came in two versions, PJ Sparkles and PJ Sparkles (Black). I chalk this up to another instance of looking at the past through the lens of today, and compelling myself to say “hey, you tried.” Still, it’s strange that the black character wouldn’t have her own name and identity…unless of course “PJ Sparkles” is merely a title that functions in the same way as Green Lantern…Anyway, we are keeping it brief this week as far as the write up is concerned. I am incredibly happy Shawna joined us, it truly has been a long time in the making. Join us next time, though, as we discuss yet another property I cherry-picked just for Jason. Next monday we revisit the GOAT of 80’s monsters and gross out toys…BOGLINS! I love these guys, they are just the coolest! We will see you again next Monday, and as always thanks! And enjoy! -Derek



