

Ep. 236 is live!

It’s September…can you believe it? I sure can’t. We are on the verge of my favorite season, my favorite time of the year…FALL! There’s a crispness in the air, the sunshine falls differently. I love fall, I love it! It is also officially one year of Yesterdaze being a podcast! A fact I certainly didn’t realize when we recorded these first three episodes of September WAY back on the last Monday of July…I have to say it has been a very rad year. I think the boys and I have really found a strong rhythm, Dustin’s editing has continuously been better and better week in and week out, I’ve managed to get the stick out of my ass and relax some, and whether jason wants to admit it or not…he’s having fun, and this 80’s shit has had more of an effect on him than he cares to admit. We’ve made some great friends along the way, our patron family may be small and humble for now, but I think they’re just the best, and our listeners always have tremendous ideas and feedback. For me, though, the pinnacle had to be interviewing one of my heroes…Larry Kenny. What an amazing experience, I must say. I could go on and on, naturally, but let's get to Centurions! It is of course a joint effort between Kenner and Ruby Spears, and to the shock of many…it was one of my favorite cartoons, as well as a toy line I didn't even know of until the 90s. Let’s get into the show’s animation, first. Now, I am a sucker for Ruby Spears, and one look at some of these truly displays just what made the show so great. Plus, and I have no idea why, I am just a sucker for Ruby Spears outros where the main characters are just a still frame against some sort of stylized background.

I would of course be remiss if we didn’t talk about those wonderful toys! Like I said, I didn’t really discover these until my teens when I rediscovered a lot of shows and toys from my childhood. The figures were fine, decent sculpts and such. I think the true brilliance of these were in the weapons packs you could get for each Centurion, this certainly added a great deal of play value. The line was canceled all too soon, in my opinion. Had it continued, we’d have had some sweet cybernetic animals, as well as the glow in the dark for a Rex Charger. I’ll argue that Centurion’s John Thunder certainly takes the cake for most offensive looking Native American “we tried” character. It’s okay, Centurions, you certainly tried…While there are no plans for a revival (come on, Hasbro…give us a damn Hasbro Legends line akin to Marvel Legends.) Ramen Toys have been cranking out modern renditions of the line. Every once in a while Centurions will get brought up in certain conversations, but like most things we discuss…time will tell. That is going to wrap things up this week for Yesterdaze, but come back next week…BECAUSE SHAWNA IS ON THE SHOW, AND WE ARE TALKING HER FAVORITE TOY AND DOLL EVER…PJ Sparkles. We do hope you enjoyed everything this week. I know I had a blast researching. Come back next week, listen to my darling talk, because we had a lot of fun. We will see you next Monday, but in the meantime Thanks…and enjoy! -Derek


PJ Sparkles

