The Story of M.U.S.C.L.E. Men

Uh, sure.


Ep. 228 is live!

It’s only week two of July, but some how it feels like it’s the middle of August! This week sees me and the boys discussing one of the many Japanese imports that invaded the 80s, M.U.S.C.L.E. from Mattel. Personally, I wasn’t into these, but through my research I’ve softened a bit. As a kid, these had zero appeal to me, though I recall seeing theme EVERYWHERE, and I think I had a couple here and there. As an adult, I can see how these odd little figures drew the attention of kids. While it didn’t hurt that wrestling was very much in the pop cultural zeitgeist at the time, the “concealability” of this line really made it a hit. As Jason said in this episode, “I have a secret in my pocket, and only I know about it!” You could easily sneak this little guys into you pocket, bust them out on the playground at recess, or slip one out during church. What kid wouldn’t love that? Speaking of Jason, this was a rare opportunity to see him get sort of excited about a property. He loved this suckers as a kid, and in preparation for the episode came across an auction on eBay…an auction he pulled the trigger on while we recording! Just take a look at this haul, straight from Japan!

I’m certainly happy Dustin added this property to the list, and I’m thrilled Jason was excited for it. The auction was just an added delight. That does  wrap it up for this week, but we all hope you had a happy and safe Independence Day. The action continues next week as we revisit a treasured cartoon that came to an end due to the beginning of the end for Saturday Morning Cartoons. Join us next week as we discuss Camp Candy, which lasted three seasons without much supporting merch! We’ll see you next Monday, but in the meantime thanks, and enjoy! -Derek


The Story of Camp Candy


Shawna’s WWF Cream of the Crop